Check out book reviews of the newest titles in the middle grade and young adult genres.

Check out book reviews of the newest titles in the middle grade and young adult genres.

Quinn has been going through a lot. From an almost-broken home to a changing friendship to never feeling like she can match her brother’s reputation, she struggles to figure out where Quinn, Quinnie, Quinn(ie) fits in nearly everywhere. Then, a tornado destroys her house and neighborhood. Amidst the disaster, Quinn must rise up, and she soon begins discovering her true self.
Kofi Offin loves to swim. The swift and enigmatic river of his Upper Kwanta village allures him and piques his curiosity about life. Kofi enjoys a seemingly normal life – there’s a budding love for a girl named Ama, eagerness for the upcoming rite of passage to adulthood, a swimming contest against his cousin, and hopes that bullying around him stops. However, Kofi’s life takes a dark turn during the annual festival…
Maggie’s stutter is debilitating. She does whatever she can to avoid speaking in public. At school, after even more drastic actions, her father threatens to send her to an institution for “treatment,” the medical intervention of the 1960s. Instead, Maggie’s sympathetic mother arranges for her to spend several weeks in Cornwall with her grandfather.
Title: We Own the Sky Author: Rodman Philbrick Publisher: Scholastic Press Release Date: September 6, 2022 It is 1924 and Davy and Jo Michaud have just become orphans after the death of their mother. Unsure of what to do or where to go, a distant relative, famous aviator and flying acrobat Ruthie, takes them in. […]
George is transgender. While she knows her gender identity, everyone else does not. When George’s teacher announces that the class play will be Charlotte’s Web, George sees this as an opportunity to embrace and show who she really is.
When Chase Ambrose wakes up in the hospital, he does not remember anything. Not his name, not his own mother, and certainly not how he fell off the roof of his home. Faced with the daunting task of trying to figure out who he is, Chase has a lot of work ahead of him.