Check out book reviews of the newest titles in the middle grade and young adult genres.

Check out book reviews of the newest titles in the middle grade and young adult genres.

For this Earth Day, celebrate our incredible, breathtaking planet with 4 activities about the National Parks in the United States. A focus on National Parks will help make it easier to fathom just how vast and awesome our planet is and help students understand the importance of caring for it.
In the previous article, 5 important questions to ask when selecting novels to teach in the classroom were presented. They will get your started. Before you make any final book selections, there are 5 more questions to ask when selecting classroom novels.
Here are 5 Questions to Ask When Making Whole Class Novel Selections. The questions can serve as a guide when selecting books to read and study in the classroom. The explanations focus on a middle grade context, but the principles easily apply to upper elementary or high school as well.
Novels in verse have become an ever-growing, popular genre for middle grades readers. They combine the beauty of poetry with the power of narrative storytelling. It is no wonder that these bite-sized books are increasingly common on the shelves of classroom and school libraries. Here are 5 Amazing Novels in Verse to Add to Your […]
The UN brings attention to this crisis through World Water Day. And you can do the same through a World Water Day Project. The World Water Day Project is an active, inter-disciplinary inquiry into the daily habits that they might take for granted but that can have a big impact on the environment.
As you plan ways to teach Women’s History Month, engage your students in activities to better understand the challenges women have historically faced and continue to face. The tireless spirit of countless women has helped realize remarkable achievements and led the progress toward improved gender equality.